
Cabotage in road transport

Cabotage in road transport means providing transport services between various points located within one UE country by a carrier registered in another country.

Example: a Polish carrier transports goods within the borders of Germany
Place of loading: Berlin
Place of unloading: Munich

WARTA SA Insurance and Reinsurance Company offers liability insurance for carriers using vehicles up to 3,5 tons of allowable total weight without licence and over 3,5 tons with licence for cabogate transport of goods:

  • in accordance with local law,
  • on the basis of a waybill issued in accordance with local law

The cover of insurance is the liability for:

  • Material damage occurring between the receipt and the issuing of goods,
  • Financial loss occurring due to delays in delivery

Sum total of the insurance in Germany:

  • 600 000 eur per one incident,
  • 1 200 000 eur per all incidents in the period of insurance

Carrier, remember…

According to the law, cabogate operations can be provided no more than three times a week, after which the carrier must leave the German territory. While providing cabotage services in Germany, it is necessary to have a separate insurance for 600 000 eur per one incident. The obligation to have the insurance policy is stated in the German legislation on road transport of goods Güterkraftverkehrsgesetz ( GÜKG ) from 2.09.2004. § 7 a. The bill also sets the minimal amount of the sum insured at 600 000 eur and 1200 000 eur per all incidents.